The uniform of ShenDo is studied to always remember the origin of the Martial Arts, so it is designed on the inspiration of Tibetan monks dress.
There are many reason for choosing the Tibetan style, first of all, ShenDo is born in a Tibetan monastery, than, in the modern society, the Tibetan culture is the one that keep firm his meditative tradition through an uninterrupted lineage.
The bottom part is a very large pant (like Kendo or Aikido Hakama) that look like monk's dress and is purple red colour.
The upper part is a sleeveless, yellow colour, jacket in Chinese style and the belt is in Japanese style, tied upper the jacket.
The dress have to always remember where and why the Martial Arts were born, a memorandum to never split Yin from Yang, to remember the pacific spirit that a Martial Artist must have and to harmonize body, mind and spirit